Sunday, 10 January 2010

The scroll of Galates updated

The scrolls of  Galates has been updated

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

The correction of the translation, cross reference Greek and Aramaic explanation names of places belongs to the Greek origin  will be name as in Greek and in bold print. Words such like Elohim n Yeshua with Hebrew character in bracket, His Son, Adonay will be print is Red.

It is good for believer Yeshua who have received the give of His Ruach that we need to take heed on dealing with perspective of Torah. Faith is by hearing the word of Elohim believe in Yeshua not by works of the Torah.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Update for Shemot 1-6

Did some amendment in the layout format for Torah Portion - for 7 Aliyah reading; textual correction. The Portion navigation menu for each portion.

Parashah 13: Shemot (Names) 1:1-6:1

Did correction of words, transliteration some verses, include some commentaries, cross reference and short notes.

Monday, 4 January 2010

The Ketuvim Shelachim of Loukas chapters 1 & 2 updated

The Ketuvim Shelachim of Loukas chapters 1 and 2 has been updated. These two chapters contain 3 prophecies in form of fours and in the form Jewish poems. Also the song of Miryam.Also the song of Miryam in form of prophecies concerning Yeshua.(cf Shemuel Alef 2:1-10)

1, 2,

In verse 64 Zekaryah the father Yochanan the immerser mouth was opened immediately, and his tongue [loosed], and he spake, and praised Elohim.The people thought to their Heart " What manner of child shall this be!

Then from vs 68-79 is the Zekaryahu's prophecies written in the form of Jewish poem in four stanzas of seven lines the 4th stanza was by Shimon prophecy of the future of what the Yeshua would be crucified and the exile of the Jewish people of today found in Loukas chapter 2 verse 34-35.  

Shimon also uttered the four blessings that speaks of Yeshua first coming to deal with the comforting of Yisrael; as to be the light of the Gentiles, remission of sin of mankind then comes in His glory as Yeshua Ben David the glory of the people of Yisrael.

Also in Loukas chapter 2 verse 36 the hidden message is revealed within the names of 
Shimon, Channah Panuel and Asher.