Sunday, 27 July 2014

Torah Mosheh 4 Bamidbar / Numbers Chapter 33

Parashah 43: Masa'ei (Stages) 33:1-36:13
vayisumi....... vayakhanu
And they set out from....... And encamped at......

  • Change in type setting and fonts vs 5-49 the stage of Yisrael journeying.
  •  background change for easy visible text
  • easier simple understand English text. 

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Mislei / משלי / 箴 言/ Proverbs Chapter 31:10-31 fully transliterated with Hebrew text

Ketuvim: כתובים /Hagiographa / Writings

Mislei / משלי / 箴 言/ Proverbs  Chapter 31: 10-31

The change background easily visible.

verse 1-9 left alignment 

verse 10 to 31 

The virtuous woman

Reading on Every Erev Shabbat - Eshet Chayil
31:10 א

אשׁת־חיל מי ימצא ורחק מפנינים מכרה׃

Eshet-chayil mi yimtza, verachok mipenimim mikhrah.

Who can find a capable wife? Her value is far beyond that of pearls.

  • right alignment 
  • Hebrew text added
  • Transliterated of the Hebrew text
  • English text
  • The first word of each verse according to the Hebrew alphabetical order.
  • each verse number follow by Hebrew alphabet order 31:10 א

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Korinthos Alef Chapter 11

Updated note comment below text of Korinthos chapter 11

With regards to Set Apart communion by Non-Jews

Some basic practice by most churches

Then breaking of bread here is teaching to the Non-Jews by Rav Shaul in 1 st Cor 11. New additional instruction were given vs 21 -22; 27-34  one should examine themselves, Not to take this meal like any other traditional meal and not take it unworthily or else bring condemnation upon themselves.
in Luke 22:8-22 Yehoshua did not mention about what spoken in 1 Cor 11:27-34 because the Jews understood the Torah principles

Friday, 2 May 2014

Numbers / Bamidbar update chapters

The Book of Numbers / Bamidbar has been updated progressively

Background wallpaper - wilderness that matches the event
1 , Background wall paper - some outline note - order of host event Number chapter 1-20 chapter; type set adjustment, English translation update
3, The Tasks of the Leviim

4 , Description of Nazarite background information; Leviim assignments Chart
5 ,  
6 , Types of Nazirites

 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ,  
11 , Maps added and some word explanation   
12 ,
13 , 14 , Background wallpaper cluster grape carrying, chapter 13 word study; chapter 14 a recap of the ten times testing event of Adonay
15 Background wallpaper techelet material