Wednesday 30 April 2008

Bamidbar chapter 10 Update n added outline note

The Bamidbar /Numbers chapter 10 updated, Key word highlight update.

Outline studies of the Silver trumpet. Why, when, who, How Made, celebrate, purposes, significant read more on this chapter. Added some Chinese explanation.

How is it to be made?

Two Trumpets of Silver, of hammered work (ie Whole pierce) length 48 inches long similar length of Yemenite Shofar variety 49: 47 inch in length - 用银子做两枝号

According to Jewish tradition, long blasts were used to assemble the people to Moshe, to the tent of meeting and for worship. Short staccato blasts were used in battle and to order the camps to move off.” (Wenham)

The 4 four traditional shofar blasts.Tekiah, Shevarim, Teruah, Tekiah Gadolah.

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