Thursday, 31 December 2009

Tehillim chapter 4 updated

Chapter 4 of Tehillim has been updated, transliterated some verse and corrections done, and cross reference verse.

Scripture Meditation :- **Be angry, and do not sin. Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. Selah.Tehillim (Psalm 4:4) **tremble; Quiver; Stand in awe, Be deeply moved; Don't sin by letting anger control you

Paulos reiterate from this verse Psa 4:4; in Ephesios 4:26 he said:- "BE ANGRY, AND DO NOT SIN": do not let the sun go down on your wrath, vs 27...Neither give place to the devil.

The word "selah" meaning pause, and calmly think of that meditate;  

when we quiet our hearts, calm our hearts down and allows reflect to take place, in our prayers the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) will guide us the right way resolve our anger and how to tackle the problem.

It is also one of the good way to settle a child who is so work up with his or her tantrum and frustration to him or her down in a quiet corner without any parental lecturing but just be still and quiet until his or her anger cools down it best time help him or her resolve the problem.



Thursday, 24 December 2009

Update entire chapter with Hebrew text, transliterated and English texting

The entire chapter of Tehillim chapter 119 has included the Hebrew text, transliterated and English texts.

Also the entire chapter of Yeshayahu chapter 9 has included the Hebrew text, transliterated and English texts and some notes added

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Temple Altar Construction Begins

Temple Altar Construction Begins

Shared via AddThis

Temple Altar Construction Begins on Day of Destruction

by Yehudah Lev Kay

( The Temple Institute began work on the sacrificial altar Thursday, Tisha B’av, the day the Second Temple was destroyed almost 2,000 years ago.

The Temple Institute has already built several of the Temple vessels such as the Ark and the menorah, and has now embarked on an ambitious project to build the altar, which will ultimately measure 3 meters wide by 3 meters long and 2 meters tall.

During Thursday’s ceremony, which took place in Mitzpe Yericho just east of Jerusalem, the Temple Institute laid the cornerstone for the altar and demonstrated how tar will be used to cement the stones together. The Institute plans on bringing the altar to its proper place on the Temple Mount when the Temple is rebuilt.

“Today, Tisha B’av, is not just a time to mourn the destruction of the Temple,” said Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, the head of the Temple Institute. “It is also a time to build.”

Rabbi Ariel thanked the more than 100 people who came to the event despite their fasting for Tisha B’Av, and despite the hot weather. The main force behind the construction of the altar, Yonaton Tzadok, was also on hand to explain why its stones were taken straight from the Dead Sea.

“The altar is supposed to represent going back to our roots, to the time of creation when everything was pure,” he said. “We took rocks from the Dead Sea, where it is likely that they were never touched by human hands.”

During the ceremony, many people who came to watch were surprised when they were invited to take part and pour tar onto the cornerstones. Rabbi Ariel first asked if there were any Kohanim (priests) in the crowd, and asked them start. When a woman requested to join in, Rabbi Ariel said "of course" and emphasized that women are commanded to build the Temple as well.

With the sun setting, Tzadok asked for volunteers to come back another day to help build the altar. “Carrying rocks and pouring tar is a lot of work,” he said. “We could use a few hundred people to help.” More information on the Temple Institute is available at

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Minor update for Devarim chaps 1 -3

As the entire world witness the Total Solar Eclipse, which usually falls on New Moon

Total Solar Eclipse Rosh Chodesh (New Moon)

in the month of Av ראש חדש אב

Wed, 22 July 2009 = 1st of Av, 5769; א׳ בְּאָב תשס״ט

I have did a minor update on the Devarim chaps 1 - 3 The parashah 44

How the Torah portion works? There are 7 portions also to be read by 7 aliyahs on Shabbat.

1st portion | 2nd Portion | 3rd Portion | 4th Portion | 5th Portion | 6th Portion | 7th Portion | Maftir

We are to read each portion a day for our daily portion and to be shared when the group met on Shabbat?

Sunday (1st day of the week) 1st portion;
Monday 2nd portion,
Tuesday 3rd portion,
Wednesday 4th portion;
Thursday 5th portion;
Friday 6th portion
Saturday 7th portion - Maftir

I have been bookmarking the aliyah reading portion have yet to link them as according the Jewish Traditional reading format below is one example
The first verses of this chapter is full Hebrew text, transliterated and English translation

Eleh ha Devarim asher diber Mosheh el-kol-Yisrael beever haYarden bamidbar baaravah molsuf bein-Paran uvein-Tofel veLavan vaChatzerot veDi zahav:

These are the Words which Mosheh spoke unto all Yisrael on this side Yarden in the wilderness, in the plain opposite Suf, between Paran, and Tophel, and Lavan, and Chazerot, and Di-zahav.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Minor update of Bamidbar

The update of Bamidbar from chapter 1-7 for the Torah portion Bamidbar and Naso

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7

Include Aliyot Markup - titles, correction words, highlight keywords.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Series of books for Biblical studies

All below books recommended at

Hidden Treasures

Title: Hidden Treasures
ISBN: 978-0-9818730-0-8
Author: Joseph Shulam
Language: English
Price: $14.99 (Shipping Included)

There is a traditional Jewish saying that "the Torah has 70 faces." The question then arises of how an ordinary student of the Bible can view all these faces. In this easy-to-read, yet groundbreaking, book, Joseph Shulam explains the way that Judaism in late antiquity interpreted its sacred texts. Some of the concepts discussed include kal va-homer, midrash, hekkesh, and the four levels of Rabbinic interpretation. Besides explaining how these methods work, this book also gives examples of how the New Testament's authors used them to create sacred texts in their own time. The second section of this book contains a series of articles on subjects relevant to the development of modern Messianic Judaism such as education, the formulation of halacha, and the necessary balance between grace and the observance of the Torah. This work will be a valuable asset to anyone who desires to deepen his understanding of the Jewish background of the Scriptures and the current issues facing contemporary Messianic Judaism.

Mashiach ben Yoseph

Title: Mashiach ben Yoseph
Author: Elhanan ben Avraham
Language: English
Price: $9.99 (Shipping Included)

Mashiach ben Yosef Cover Web.jpg In the Jewish worldview, Joseph the Patriarch has long been understood to be a prototype of the Messiah. The Talmud speaks about the "Mashiach ben Yoseph" (the Messiah the son of Joseph) and his death as a suffering servant who would bring partial redemption to Israel and pave the way for the coming of "Mashiach ben David" (the Messiah the son of David).
This book by Elhanan ben Avraham gives a detailed, step-by-step comparison between the lives of Joseph the Patriarch and Yeshua of Nazereth. Both of them were the beloved sons of their fathers who were betrayed by their brothers, separated from their families, raised to greatness among the Gentiles, and eventually restored to their brothers to bring redemption both to the nations and salvation to their own people. (Of course, Yeshua's restoration to His brothers and complete redemption of the world is still to come). The parallels with the story of Joseph bring great prophetic hope for the soon completion of the redemptive process through Yeshua the Messiah. This book will be beneficial for anyone who is interested in understanding the greatness of both Joseph the Patriarch and Yeshua's purposes in the history of the Jewish people and the world as a whole.

From Jerusalem to Jerusalem

(Autobiographical Sketches by Moshe Immanuel Ben Meir)From Jerusalem to Jerusalem_300.jpg

Read the account of the journey of faith of this pioneer of the Messianic movement in Israel! Moshe ben Meir was born as an ultra-Orthodox Jew in the Old City of Jerusalem in the time of the Ottoman Empire, and he came to faith in Yeshua as a young man. This remarkable and inspiring book tells his story in his own words. It recounts his journey to faith in Yeshua and his life and ministry in Israel. Moshe remained committed to traditional Jewish halakhah while following the Messiah with all his heart.
Title: From Jerusalem to Jerusalem
Author: Moshe Immanuel Ben Meir
Language: English / Hebrew / Korean
Price: $9.99 (Shipping Included)

A Commentary on the Jewish Roots of Acts Acts cover_300.jpg It is masterfully written, carefully researched, saturated with documentation from every relevant Jewish source and penetratingly analytical of the linguistic nuances of the Greek and Hebrew vocabulary in Acts. It belongs in the library of everyone who wants a scholarly, well written source for a serious study of Acts.

Note: Your Secure PayPal site requires you use the latest version of browsers like, IE7, Firefox 2, Safari 3.

Title: The Jewish Roots of Acts (2 Volumes)
Author: Hilary Le Cornu with Joseph Shulam
Language: English
Price: $79.00 +shipping

A Commentary on the Jewish Roots of Galatians

Galations Cover_300.jpgGalatians, the archetypical Pauline letter, unfortunately has too often been used to characterize Paul as angrly anti-Jewish or at the very least, antinomian and to condemn Jewish believers who want to preserve their Jewish identity or keep the Torah. This commentary, written unapologetically from the point of view that the New Testament writings are Jewish texts, gives a new interpretation of this important New Testament book that should be read by everyone who wants to understand Galatians in its original context. It contains a critical assessment of Paul as a Jew who was governed by Jewish principles and methods. Clearly and engagingly written, the authors capitalize on methodological gains such as rhetorical criticism and recent finds like 4QMMT. There is much here to recommend.

Note: Your Secure PayPal site requires you use the latest version of browsers like, IE7, Firefox 2, Safari 3.

Title: The Jewish Roots of Galatians
Author: Hilary Le Cornu with Joseph Shulam
Language: English
Price: $60.00 +shipping

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Vayikra 25-27 updated for Torah Portion Behar

These three chapters are the Torah portion Behar.

Some minor changes that would enhance the Torah portion studies on "Behar are as follows:-

change of background graphic, included foot notes, and Jubilee chart, included cross references, transliteration text

The following chapter has been updated

25 , 26 , 27

Shema Yisrael


Friday, 22 May 2009

Hebraic Roots Version (HRV) Revised E-Book Version

HRV Scriptures Revised E-Book

Now the HRV is search able...
Now you can easily cut and paste from the HRV!
The HRV is the first Sacred Name Version of the Scriptures to have the NT translated from the original Hebrew and Aramaic and to follow the original manuscript order of the books!

The Hebraic Roots Version of the Scriptures. This is a Messianic, Sacred Name version of the Scriptures following the original manuscript order of the books and with the NT portion translated not from the Greek, but from Hebrew and Aramaic source. Search able cut and paste ebook. Purchase and download - No shipping charges. cost $25.00 USD

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

e-Sword version 9.0 changes from 8.0

e-Sword version 9.0 changes from 8.0

This update uses a completely different database format for all resources. Everything is faster and more reliable as a result of this change. All add-on modules have been updated and will need to be reinstalled to use with this update. You can redownload purchased modules using the original information you were given when previously purchased. User files will be automatically updated to the new format provided you are installing this over an older version of e-Sword. Each file will be renamed with an ".old" file extension when the conversion is successful.

The Bible Search feature now allows the ability to perform case-sensitive searches.

The multi-row tabs are now locked in place, so no more moving targets!

A new Bible book browser has been implemented and is no longer docked to the side of the program. Press the F2 key to display the Lookup Scripture Reference dialog next to the mouse pointer wherever it is located, or access it from the main toolbar with the button next to the "Lookup" combobox.

Study Notes can be made on any verse in the Bible, now including the Orthodox Apocrypha and the Catholic Deuterocanon.

You can now Export the Study Notes and Topic Notes in HTML, Word DOC and Adobe PDF file formats, in addition to the previous plain text and Rich Text formats.

You can now Import both HTML and Word DOC files directly into the Study Notes and Topic Notes.

The Print Preview feature has been updated, and now all printing is performed through it.

Highlighting custom colors are now saved for use between sessions.

Localization of the e-Sword user interface continues with the implementation of fully Unicode compliant controls


This update uses a completely different database format for all resources. All add-on modules have been updated and will need to be reinstalled to use with this update.
Do not proceed with this update unless you are prepared to also update the various add-on modules, such as Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, etc.

You can redownload purchased modules using the original information you were given when previously purchased. User files will be automatically updated to the new format provided you are installing this over an older version of e-Sword. Each file will be renamed with an ".old" file extension when the conversion is successful.

eStudySource customers may easily access updated versions of their previously purchased modules at no additional cost. LOGIN to your account at; click on MY ACCT. > View Orders > View Order Receipt > DOWNLOAD.

e-Sword User Module Conversion Utility for e-Sword v9.0.1 is now available!

Mahaira Ministries

Brother Rick Meyers, the author of e-Sword, has graciously provided the Conversion Utility for e-Sword 9.0.1. It can be found at the e-Sword website in the Extras section. Scroll to the bottom of the page, download and convert away to your hearts content. Over the next week, we here at e-Sword Users will be converting our entire library, and then next weekend (May 9-10, 2009) we will take the e-Sword Users website down and release all of the converted modules at once.

IMPORTANT- If for some reason you encounter a problem converting your user made e-Sword modules and desire help, please leave a message in the newly created forum, e-Sword 9.0.1 User Made Module Conversion. Please don't ask Brother Rick for help, instead post your message here and the e-Sword Users Team will attempt to solve your issue.

Most likely you do *not* need to install this module conversion utility, but if you have been one of those adventuresome users who have created your own custom e-Sword modules then this utility should convert it for use with the current version of e-Sword. It is not possible to provide support for this tool as there is no way for me to know how you may have created your module

Keep the older Esword setup file vs 8 or before. Do not over write your previous download module and Esword Setup files. Those module not listed in Esword website may not be updated to work in version 9

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Complete Transliterated megillah Rut updated

The megillah Sefer Rut is now fully complete transliterated interlinear with Hebrew text, transliterated (romanize) English text and Mp3.

cross reference commentary links to the - Rashi - chabad, Torah class - Messianic, website

This would be features for those who have no knowledge of Hebrew or totally new to Hebrew will have chance to read Hebrew and understand Hebrew for themselves. And appreciate the Hebrew language.
The following chapters has been Complete transliterated.

1 , 2 , 3 , 4

Transliterate pronunciation and spacing for each words are according what you hear from the MP3, so you can follow the reading as Avraham Shemueloff narrate the text. Listen to the Native Hebrew accent. Click on Rut (רות) / Ruth Chapter -link to play
Hebrew text are given without vowels as my computer does not have such Hebrew word processor

All text are Giant print for those with eyesight problem
background - Barley wheat harvest embed background which I design a couple of years ago

some words has "mouse over" effect where some short notes or explanation

Names of women are in Pink - Naomi, Rut Orphah Rakhel, Leah
Names of Almighty His attribute are in Red :- Yuh Hei Vav Hei; Sadai. also note that when reading scripture in MP3 THE NAME is pronounce as Adonai; but written form text no changing of Names, no adding, or take away or substituting word, all as it is written.

Note that chapter 4 from 18-22 Toldot Peretz of Mp3 reciting in a song by Avraham Shemueloff

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Judaica Press Tanach with Rashi CD

The Complete Tanach with Rashi - Classic Texts - Torah - Bible

Make learning and understanding Tanach easy!

This valuable new program is truly a complete and powerful learning tool for studying and understanding the Bible. From the authentic Hebrew text to the authoritative English translation, from its dazzling array of full-color photographs and charts to its useful display and printing capabilities, it is destined to become the premiere program of its kind.

The Judaica Press Complete Tanach is the only CD-ROM available that contains the English translation of both the Tanach text and Rashi's commentary on the entire Tanach. The translation is the authoritative Judaica Press version, edited by the esteemed translator and scholar, Rabbi A.J. Rosenberg.

Photos and Charts
The Judaica Press Complete Tanach features dozens of illuminating charts, maps, drawings and full-color pictures of Biblical sites, linked to the text, that can be printed directly from the program.

Display and Printing
The Judaica Press Complete Tanach offers the unique ability of viewing any verse in the Tanach, complete with Hebrew (including vowel points and cantillation marks), English translation and Rashi's commentary in both Hebrew and English, in separate, scrolling windows. You can actually study the text on screen, complete with commentary, and even print multiple texts on the same page.

Search Engine
The Judaica Press Complete Tanach features powerful search capabilities, for both Hebrew and English, which allow you to locate individual words or phrases within the text, quickly and easily.

Windows CD

PC with Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista, 32MB RAM minimum, CD-ROM drive

Monday, 20 April 2009

Song of Songs Complete Full Hebrew Transliterate - Translation MP3

The Song of Songs Chapter 1 is lovely song, suggest you can use the Jambe drum to beat the rhythm, found this link Song of Songs Chapter 1 sung by Benjamin Brody.
Shir Hashirim – By Benjamin Brody

The Lyrics of Song of Songs Chapter 1

I managed to complete Song of Songs Chapter 1-8 the Hebrew Text, Transliterate or Romanized Hebrew Text with English Translation with MP3 Hebrew reading. Each word Transliterated text according the MP3 pronounciation - Dictation.

I soon get use the words as many words are repetition. I could figure out the reading Hebrew Text.

"Who said that" also indicated "shulamite, Benot Yerushalayim, Brothers, Shelomoh,, the Sherpherd etc. Also take note that Jewish Bibles Chapter 6 has 13 verses taking first verse from Chapter 7 thus Chapter 7 verse numbering is different from the Non-Jewish bibles.

I will be doing the mouse over on the transliterated text for the explanation words or online notes and cross references. That means point the transliterated text will give meaning and information. My actual study begins.

The Hebrew Text are read from right to left and the alignment are Right alignment

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Vayikra 6,7,8 update

The Torah portion Tzav update the following chapters of Vayikra

6 , 7 , 8

change background, keyword highlight, some illustration, cross reference and comments added

This week my turn to share the Torah Portion Tzav.

Friday, 27 March 2009

Updates on Tehillim 118 / Psalms 118

As I notice Psalms 118 is very often read especially on Rosh Hodesh and Pesach, I have completed Transliterated the entire Chapter of Psalm 118 in Giant print as following format:-

Hebrew text
Transliterated or Romanized Hebrew Text
English Translation

This chapter also equip with Mp3 Narrated Hebrew text. The Transliterated correspond or responsive to the exact pronunciation as MP3 Narrator reads. This enable everyone even those with longsightness will be able to view clearly, blind can listen text to listen the text in Hebrew, those absolute alien to Hebrew can understand the meaning and also see how the Hebrew grammar works in comparison with our English text.

All the readings for Hebrew Text are from right to left, however the setting that I config will by align on right side along with Hebrew.

The Name of Almighty "YEHOVAH' YAH ELI EL, ELOHAI are in Red Font all three lines Hebrew, Transliterate, English text
Note: The Name Yuh Hei Vav Hei are read as "Adonay"

The Narrator will read the Name of Hashem as "Adonay".

If you use Internet Explorer it will automatic plays once access the site, while those who use Firefox or other browser

Click on the title PSALMS CHAPTER 118 link to play.

The link to Psalms 118 is atI have did this type similar format as for Gen 1, 12, Exodus 20 Matthew 1, John 1

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Franz Delitzsch version Kefa Alef uploaded

Keil and Delitzsch Hebrew Brit Hadashah upload the letter of Kefa Alef / First Peter as in the following chapters

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Some minor update Acts 1

Have added some note on mouseover pop out notes and illustration of Acts 1

Mount of Olives was where the Red Heifer was slaughtered n burned so that its ashes could be used in purifying Yehudim who had become ritually impure through contact with the dead. It was locate facing the eastern gate of temple mount. Ironically, it is today most identified with the dead because its slope east of the Temple Mount contains the oldest Jewish cemetery in the world. It is on this mountain where the Redeemer Yeshua when up to heaven and on His return Yeshua's feet shall stand, says the Navi Zecharyah (14:1-4) in his vision of the climactic battle which will take place at the end of days when all the nations gather to make war against Jerusalem,

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Keil and Delitzsch Hebrew Brit Hadshah Update -1

Keil and Delitzsch Hebrew Brit Hadshah has been updated the following book complete uploaded


Loukas / Luke

Yochanan / John

Irvim / Hebrews

Also see the Chinese Scriptures site uploaded some books and updates

Siddur for Messianic Jews

Siddur for Messianic Jews
Dr. John Fischer and Dr. David Bronstein, compilers

This siddur, or prayer book, is the same one used for worship in Messianic Jewish congregations, or you can use it to worship at home. Includes Hebrew text with English translations and pronunciation tips. Reads in the traditional Hebrew fashion of right to left. Sample sections include: Yom Kippur Morning Service; Consecration and Naming Ceremony; Bar (Bat) Mitzvah Service; The Messianic Significance of Holidays.

Publisher: Menorah Ministries

Pages: 207

Item Code: BK151

ISBN: 0-944414-00-1

Friday, 27 February 2009

The month of the Aviv

The Month of Abib is now available for you to download and watch on your home computer! It will require you to download a free DIVX player as is in the compressed DIVX format which maintains quality while decreasing file size and making it faster to download.

DivX Player can be downloaded for free at - make sure to choose the free version. then right click on the video link below and choose "Save Link As" to download the video to your computer. Video size is 265Mb, so it will take roughly an hour on broadband, less on cable. On Dial up much longer.

Video: The month of the Abib

Bible Mapper for customized maps free software download

Bible Mapper Rediscovering the World of the Bible

Version 3 now offers all features entirely FREE! Click here to download.

Bible Mapper is a fully interactive, highly accurate Bible mapping system that helps you quickly and easily create customized maps of the Holy Lands or study a particular period and aspect of Bible history. With Bible Mapper you can:

  • select the types of standard map objects you want to appear on your map (cities, mountain peaks, rivers, roads, political boundaries, etc.)
  • select terrain imagery (relief and elevation, satellite land cover, etc.) or even load your own
  • select which biblical eras to display (only those cities and boundaries that existed during that period will be displayed)
  • change the color or style of almost any object on your map, including the terrain
  • create your own custom objects (or make a duplicate of a standard object) right on your map, including points, lines, areas, and ellipses, and apply a uniform style to it from a style library
  • place your own photos or other images right on your map and add a caption and arrow
  • texturize your lines or boundary areas, allowing the underlying relief to be combined with it
  • import basic geographic data (points, lines, areas, etc.) created by other software and customize it on your map print, save, or export your map, or copy it to the Windows® clipboard quickly calculate the exact distance of a road, river, or custom line object find a place from biblical times just by clicking on it in the Find box
  • read an encyclopedia article about a biblical place

Bible Mapper is the ideal tool for developing customized maps of Bible lands and researching Bible places.

System Requirements:

Windows® 95 or later, 256 MB of RAM, 158 MB of disk space

“I can actually make my own high resolution maps with as few or as many details as I like, for any area of the Bible lands, in any time period at the touch of just a few buttons. The quality of the high resolution relief map background has to be seen to be believed . . . Thanks, David, for making such a great tool available to Bible teachers.”

— Dr. Richard Shawyer (Bible teaching missionary in Africa)

Download | Screenshots | Gallery

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Minor changes for the Shemot chapters

Some minor amend for the following chapters of Shemot

14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,

Chapter 14 restore the map of the exodus, chapter 1 change in background.

Chapter 20 is entire transliteration with Hebrew text.

Chapter 25 is transliterate entire text and English

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Some minor updated notes Torah portion 17

Update some note for Torah portion 17, change background design

18, 19, 20

Corresponding to Chinese scripture text

18, 19, 20

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Shemot updates :- the Ten Plagues graphic Icons

The following chapter of Shemot, updated some graphic illustration. The ten plagues graphic icons

7, 8, 9, 10, 12,

Monday, 2 February 2009

Conducting a Jewish Funeral

Those who are new to Jewish lifestyle on how conducting a Jewish Funeral, if you are return Jew hope this will be of help. For Non-Jew is eye open to know how the Jews conduct funeral.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

The Entire Hebrew / English Transliterated Bible - Over 4000 Pages!

The Entire Bible Translitered in Hebrew And English, Over 4000 pages!

Read the Bible In Hebrew even if you can't read Hebrew Letters!

On One CD with three different Bible with Advanced Capabilities

The Newest Product from Hebrew World, the entire Bible transliterated in Hebrew and English!

Now, even those who can't read Hebrew Letters can read the bible in Hebrew!

With Concise Transliteration, broken down syllable by syllable for easy reading by English Speakers!

Never before has a product like this been released with as many capabilities!

Now, even those who can't read Hebrew Letters can read the bible in Hebrew

Concise Transliteration, broken down syllable by syllable for easy reading

  • No previous knowledge of Hebrew is needed!
  • Reach a 90% proficiency at Reading the Bible in Hebrew in one hour
  • Over 4000 pages, containing the entire Tanach (The Old Testament, Prophets, Psalms and more)...
  • Now includes Free MP3 cd with the entire Bible Narrated in Hebrew arranged by books, over 65 hours of recording!
  • 3 Different bibles so that you can read and search throughout the Bible, copy text from the bible into your documents, and even print pages from the Bible
  • Compatible with Both Windows and MAC
  • No other comparable product is on the market that is this easy, filled with capabilities, or user-friendly. Even low quality competitors charge up to $1000 dollars!

See screen shots of The Transliterated Bible:

A sample page from Bible One
A sample page from Bible Two

Introduction price - ONLY $49.95 $5.50 shipping (US only)

International air shipping to most countries - $10.00

Please note the files are mainly PDF format. If you want a total complete Transliteration this may be ideal one to have one.

The Transliterated Hebrew Bible (Tanach) Software

4000 PAGES!! line-by-line, Hebrew, English and Transliteration of the whole Hebrew Bible (the Tanach or Old Testament) for PC or Mac.
PLUS - FREE! mp3 CD with the entire Tanach narrated in Hebrew (65 hours)

In this program, the Hebrew text of the Bible is written with both Hebrew and English letters. The text in blue (see below) is the transliteration - Hebrew words spelled with English letters.
Our transliteration is very simple to use: it consists of common sounds found mostly in English. We took an extra step, and broke down most of the words in the Hebrew Bible into core syllables, separated by small bullets (we did not apply this to God's name).

With this program you will be able to read every Hebrew word in the bible - even if you don't know Hebrew!
Includes three units, allowing you several options, including printing pages with the font used in printed editions of Bible and Prayer books.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

The Book of Truth - Sifrei Emet

The Book of Psalms, Proverbs and Job are known as the Book of Truth. We can see the Hebrew word for Emet at the first letter of each book put them together you have the word Acronym EMT Emet it is call the book of truth because it illustrate the life truth pictured in man-man relationship, man - Hashem relationship

Sifrei Emet The book of Truth Poetry Wisdom

bullet03_blue.gif Tehillim / Psalms תהלים