The Chapter Shemot 20 consist of the Ten Commandments can be divided into two basic divisions. With the remaining 603 commandments are attached to at least one of the Ten Commandments.
I use to wonder what does those Hebrews Alphabet in Exodus 10 use for. I learn that each set of commandments is indicate with a Hebrew Alphabet, click on each to view the detail content of the commandment. Our fellowship group have study on these Still working on it not yet complete.
To overview the entire 613 Mitzvot
Did some update on Shemot 1-6 for the Parashah reading. Chapter 2 uses papyrus background. added some notes information of papyrus.
Parashah 13: Shemot (Names) 1:1-6:1
See Chapter 7 - some note on the 10 plague. illustration graphic is image mapping, each picture is the link of the verse and notes added
Dever - murrain (Pronounced "mur'in") is a highly infectious disease of cattle and sheep. It literally means "disease" meaning plague or pestilence. This plague is a dreaded disease similar to the bubonic plague in the Middle Ages. It was likely carried by rat fleas and produced tumors on the infected person. Shemuel Alef 5-6 describes the plague on the Phishlim as a punishment from God. The word is also used as the most dreaded threat of the Lord against His people (Vayikra 26:25; Bamidbar 14:12). The Neviim use this word frequently to predict coming judgment and destruction as in the common phrase, sword, famine, and plague (Yirmeyahu 21:9; Yirmeyahu 38:2; Yechekiel 6:11).
1 comment:
I wish you a good end of 2007 and a good year of 2008.
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